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Oil Painting with Elinor Shapiro

di 09 apr



Join us for our bi-weekly oil painting session with none other than Elinor Shapiro. She will be here to coach you through oil techniques and tips. You can choose either to bring your own materials or have everything provided.

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Oil Painting with Elinor Shapiro
Oil Painting with Elinor Shapiro

Time & Location

09 apr 2024, 19:00 – 21:00

Amsterdam, Pazzanistraat 1, 1014 DB Amsterdam, Netherlands

About the event

Welcome to Toqueur's creative community! 

We are all about cross-collaborations and giving people a community where they can create, explore and meet others. Our bi-weekly creation sessions have different specialists there to guide you. From oil painting, to watercolour, figurative, and even lingerie design. We have different sections in the space but with your bespoke coach per medium you choose. 

Elinor Shapiro heads up our Oil Painting sessions. She'll always start each class with a quick intro and then be there to help guide 1-1 as and where people need more or less support. This means whether you're a beginner, advanced, or somewhere in between, you can come in and have support to develop further. 

This option includes all materials, there is also an option to join where you bring your own materials, and are paying for the coaching and set-up. Make sure you sign up for the right option :). The Full Workshop is all inclusive, and the Open Workshop is where you bring your own materials. 


  • Oil Painting w Elinor Shapiro

    Note which workshop you sign up for. The Full Workshop includes all materials needed. The Open Workshop is for coaching and tips, but doesn't include materials (you can always buy what you need here if you forget).

    From € 35,00 to € 65,00
    Sale ended
    • € 65,00
      +€ 1,63 service fee
    • € 35,00
      +€ 0,88 service fee


    € 0,00

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